Sunday, April 21, 2013

Oh I can make outfit posts too.

I'm not ashamed to say I got that shirt and pants at Rue 21.
Blazer jacket thing: dELiAS *~
Boots: BCBG
Necklace: I don't fucking know like belk or something jcpenny idk
AFI button: i don't remember maybe their merch store or barf topic idk

My poor Peanut (cat) the sweetest baby in the world ran away/was murdered. I LITTERrally cannot function without a cat. So, I got a new kitten. His name is Boop aka Lil' Shit. 

Also, yesterday I bought a vacuum cleaner. I was excited. 

Also, Did you hear about AFI? I'm so excited.

Also, I bought Pop Kids and read 72% of it and quit. 

Honestly everyone is over Pop Kids and now they just want to hear about AFI you should have waited a little longer about releasing that video, DARBZ.

Now I'm thinking about how in 5 years when I read this again I will be embarrassed. 

Sorry, me.